The Mastermind™ Programme

“Thank you, Joe. You truly are the ‘Transformer’. Should you feel that Joe’s services are too expensive, please reconsider. You simply can’t afford not to – he is worth his weight in gold!”

Theresa, Staffordshire

“Thanks to Joe, I now feel if things get tough there is always a way to get through, with planning structure, a positive mindset, and his support, anything is possible. I recommend Joe to any business owner.”

Kelvin Newman, Cheshire

“Joe has the magical ability to teach how to inspire, captivate and motivate all the people in my entire business. His knowledge of human behaviour and team spirit is first class.”

D. Stevenson, Manchester

Collaboration for success

You have already heard the term, “Two minds are better than one”.

Imagine the second mind is that of a “been there and done it”, learned the hard way, successful businessman who has already helped thousands of business owners and entrepreneurs to achieve remarkable, measurable results.

Then Imagine an additional eleven already successful business minds drawn together in the same room, working towards a common goal, month on month.

Put simply, a synergy happens, a sharing of knowledge and experience and a confidant level of support that propels greater business success.

Equally, a personal transformation that is unachievable in any other way.

How the Transformer MASTERMIND & Beyond will make THE difference to YOUR business… and YOU

The twelve month MASTERMIND period consists of a structured approach to transform your business by focusing in on the 12+1 MASTER KEYS to UNLOCK the TRANSFORMATIONAL success and wealth of your business.

The 12 month MasterMind is based on a structured, while flexible, business transformational day each month with supporting focus during the month.

Here’s how it works. We get together for a whole day, as a MasterMind group, focusing on 2 key aspects:

Our immediate, in-time, day-to-day challenges and how to punch through them.

One of the structured 12+1 Business Master Keys you feel is most prevalent to your businesses.

The turnkey approach to plugin and ignore the tools and support your need for business growth and ultimate success

G.O.A.L. Getting System™

Some experts will tell you that goal setting only works for some people. That is NOT true. Have you ever set goals and not met them? Probably. So, what is the secret formula? The truth is, GOAL setting works for anyone when you know HOW TO:

  1. Set goals that motivate you
  2. Make them S.M.A.R.T.A
  3. Learn how to embed the goals
  4. Structure an Action Plan to achieve them
  5. Train the mind to START

In the Transformer G.O.A.L. Getting System, you will discover innovative ways to firstly, set seemingly impossible goals, and secondly use a unique method to embed those goals as a focal point of your business success, revisited and reviewed regularly, rather than it being just an ‘exercise you do at the start and put away in the draw till next year’.

The 7 Steps to V.I.C.T.O.R.Y.™

Conquering day-to-day challenges

Everyone has challenges, both in their business and in personal life. There is a greater challenge… facing them head on and conquering them. It’s all about YOU and your business, yet it is difficult to deal with it all on your own. Transformer MasterMind and beyond 2020 provides you with a confidential inner circle of like-minded entrepreneurs, helping you to continually conquer your own business challenges, as they arise, with the expertise and support in the room.

What happens in the room stays in the room. If you would like help from trusted partners outside the room, this is available as well… from members in the room, AND from my ‘black book’ of experts on hand too.

While, like all of us, you ‘don’t know what you don’t know’, knowing who you know who can help you through challenges, is a powerful ally.

C.A.S.H.F.L.O.W. King™

Having a sufficient cashflow resource in your business means more than just ‘cash in the bank’, as many understand it. To ensure your business runs effectively we will help you manage your creditor/debtor book and keep your running costs to a minimum too.

By adopting The Transformer C.A.S.H.F.L.O.W. King you will learn HOW TO:

  • GET PAID quicker.
  • OPTIMISE spending.
  • ERADICATE overdrafts & interest devouring credit.
  • RAISE capital in ways you may not be aware of.
  • APPLY your cashflow more effectively and grow your business.

The C.L.O.C.K. Time Management Cycle™

The main difference between the successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs I meet, comes down to how they choose to use ‘time‘, not just spend it.

Not enough time in a day? Still tasks to do, people to call, deals to close and still meet other responsibilities? This is quite common perception, but not acceptable! Why should it be? It is stopping you getting to where you want to be, and create frustration, angst and stress along the way. This is neither good for your personal health, nor conducive to being the positivehappy driving force behind your business. Using the system I’ve developed you will change that perception.

The C.L.O.C.K. Time Management Cycle process will enable to overcome your time management challenges successfully, freeing you up to be calmer, happier and a lot more successful, whatever success means to you.

F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Stress Buster™

How many situations and pressures, known as ‘stressors‘, cause stress and exhaustion in your already busy work schedule, every day. Anything that puts high demands on you can be stressful within or outside business. How to acknowledge those stressors, meaning to become aware of them as they arise, understand their root cause and how to reduce the stress caused anxiety and depression, requires a technique.

The Transformer F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Stress BUSTER is a seven-stage process I will show you how to apply, with which you will see immediate results and have a new tool in your toolkit to eliminate stress as and when it arises, at any time, and release you to perform at your best day in, day out.

And here’s the great part. What if you became so proficient with the process that you were able to spot the symptoms around you and prevent stress happening in the first place.

Let me show you how.

Communication S.I.G.N.A.L. Console™

Have you ever experienced loss of time, customer dissatisfaction or simple frustration when there is even the simplest misunderstanding between you and your team, and between themselves. And what about those times when your suppliers don’t get what you are asking for and provide the wrong thing. The complexity of today’s business world requires you to be able to communicate on multiple levels, and when not executed effectively, escalates to seemingly unequal measures of fallout?

How to communicate sounds like the simplest of things to do, doesn’t it. So, why should it be so difficult to get your point across.

Here is a little secret. It is not just how you communicate. There is a key ingredient missing that most business owners and entrepreneurs don’t know… and even when they do, don’t know how to apply it.

The Transformer Communication S.I.G.N.A.L. Console system will give you the knowledge and skills to apply and share with your team to transform the effectiveness of communication from the top to bottom of your business.. and sideways so that it filters out to your suppliers so that you get over and above what you asked for and greater value for your money.

Information will flow freely and team members will feel empowered to act because they understand how their work, communication and team roles impact others’ efforts and how it contributes to the team’s goals. Discover even better communication methods in the Transformer MasterMind and beyond 2020, practice game-changing skills in an inner circle or other business owners learning the same skills to help you improve yours.

Leadership by L.E.A.D.I.N.G.™

Do you struggle with any of these most common leadership challenges?:

  • Distractions from your tasks
  • Needing to be liked
  • Setting clear expectations…
  • Trust in employees to meet them
  • Providing Feedback
  • Making Time for Your Team
  • Being too “Hands-Off”
  • Being too friendly
  • “Walking the Walk”
  • Delegating
  • Accountability
  • Fear of Firing when all else has failed
  • Lack of Alignment
  • Lack of Clear Vision

I have helped many, like you, eradicate problems and challenges in all these areas and more, and yet further, helped them transform their leadership skills in each area to see measurable results.

Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level?

Hone your Leadership skills to influence your team to accomplish objectives faster and to a higher standard, developing a more coherent and cohesive business.

Leadership by L.E.A.D.I.N.G. leverages you from bing the good leader you are into the GREAT leader you are striving to be, one who is always three steps ahead of the others, looking out for them before himself along the way.

Discover the Leadership Style you are most effective with. Get the most from your team, co-workers and associates in your business.

Team Building to P.E.R.F.O.R.M.™

How do you determine that your team is working at its absolute best?

Team building is quite often only a considered solution when the team isn’t working together well. And for the record, team building is not just about taking the team away on some outbound physical adventure challenge to get your team across a river using only a length of rope, a tissue roll and compass!

It’s time to acknowledge that there are possibly two things happening, one a knock on effect of the other:

There might be internal business issues getting in the way of your team’s performance, as well as your own.
There is an energy block within the team because the ‘issues’ are not being aired or dealt with yet.

Very often the reasons can be a result of:

  • Unclear or missing strategy.
  • Unaddressed conflicts.
  • Role confusion.
  • Slow processes requiring multiple approvals.
  • Immeasurable or unrealistic goals.
  • Not discussing culture, norms, or feelings.
  • Little focus on experimentation, collaboration and innovation.
  • Lack of praise, acknowledgment and information-sharing.

The Transformer Team Building to P.E.R.F.O.R.M. process will help you identify these issues along the way while fusing your team together, with specific work environment, role and responsibility, and team dynamics at the centre of creating great team performance and a happier workplace. Build on an already enhanced Leadership, using Team Building & P.E.R.F.O.R.M. Model to adapt the different learning styles that elevate your team to a higher standard.

Learn how to achieve better results by finding out how to set clearer work objectives and time frames. Team morale and, by nature performance, improves with finer tuned roles and responsibilities. Use special techniques to help you evaluate team performance, empower the extraordinary team efforts, inspire and motivate individuals to higher levels of achievement and progress towards team and business goals.

Ubiquity Footprint Marketing M.A.G.N.E.T.™

How infuriating is it when you have a great product or service and not enough potential clients know about it? More so when you have competitors who are not as good as you, yet seem to be picking up more clients than you. Maybe you feel you just can’t seem to get the word out or you do not know how to use social media or digital marketing to increase your brand awareness.

How would you like to discover easy strategies that can help you get your message out there to:

  • ACQUIRE more IDEAL customers
  • KEEP more customers
  • INCREASE customer loyalty and spend.

The Build your Customer Journey Strategy to EXPAND your Ubiquity Footprint. Discover new methods to build a strong foundation of loyal fans and maintain stronger relationships that generate a long term, higher value to your business.

The Transformer Ubiquity Footprint Marketing M.A.G.N.E.T. will help you to become the market leader in your industry.

Business Asset P.R.O.T.E.C.T. Shield™

Protecting your business assets is a little like insurance, so that whatever happens, it will not impact on your business and personal affairs. Once it is in place you have peace of mind to get on with what you are good at.

What if you are not aware of every single item or aspect of your business or personal life that constitutes an ‘asset’? For instance, some business owners don’t consider people, buildings and information, yes information and indeed intellectual property as an asset which can be under threat from the unforeseen. And beyond these, which of your assets are not protected?

How do you protect assets?

It’s all about managing risks to your assets by knowing how to both document every asset and map out potential threats and vulnerabilities against each one, business liabilities such as debt obligations, claims of creditors, claims for damages, etc.

With the Business Asset P.R.O.T.E.C.T. Master Key, you will be able to safeguard your assets and reduce the risks by learning HOW TO:

  • Keep a record of all assets.
  • Carry out regular asset checks, including stock and inventory.
  • Conduct a risk assessment for different types of assets.
  • Restrict access to assets (be it stock, cash or data).
  • Put in place good risk management practices.
  • Register and enforce your intellectual property rights.
  • Comply with data protection legislation, including the GDPR.
  • Apply protective security measures, where necessary.
  • Conduct regular reviews of your asset and management practices.
  • Develop contingency and business continuity plans.

Discover your real current status and map out and implement your Asset Protection Action Plan to safeguard your business and elevate your financial position.

The Wealth Management F.O.R.T.U.N.E. Generator™

There’s wealth management and there’s wealth GENERATION!

It is important to do what most financial advisers will tell you:

  • REVIEW your current financial position
  • CREATE a new financial GOAL
  • BUILD in contingencies
  • Structure a PLAN to meet that goal and beyond

Yet, it does not stop there. These, at best, might just preserve the lifestyle you have now, possibly afford you a retirement lifestyle in line with the life to which you have become accustomed. But, what if you want more than that? What f you could improve your lifestyle at a greater rate, pay the mortgage off early and, if you wanted to or circumstances arose that you would be in a position to retire earlier whilst enjoying a lifestyle you have not yet aspired to?

Have you ever felt powerless with the amount of tax you pay even after your accountant has calculated the liability? There is probably so much more you could be doing to reduce your tax and, in turn, increase your wealth. All this while protecting against unforeseen Injury, Critical Illness. Even Death.

With The Transformer Wealth Management F.O.R.T.U.N.E. Generator you will learn how to architect your life with financially secure life choices, with the option to retire early, free to live comfortably at your own leisure, or continue with an advancing plan to generate further wealth to give you more choices later on.

You will have a much better appreciation of the important attributes of intelligent WEALTH MANAGEMENT and know where to go to receive it.

Improve your lifestyle, increase inheritance for your family and develop a legacy.

The I.Q.4 Quantum LEAP™

For Continual Knowledge Empowerment

“You don’t know what you don’t know.”

Infuriating to hear it, never mind admitting to it… isn’t it!

It can sometimes be overwhelming to think that what you don’t know might be holding you back from success. And even if you did know exactly what was worth knowing for you to perform at your absolute best, how difficult is it to retain such a mass of information?

What happens when you don’t continue to increase your knowledge? It’s simple, you get stuck in a world of yesterday’s where you do not keep up with the times, your business is not at the forefront of your industry and your competitors leave you behind wallowing in a sea of mediocrity.

Worse still you go bust because your customers do not see the value of sticking with a business that exists in a bygone world, and seek fresher approaches… new ideas. Unless of course you’re an antiques dealer.

Now imagine yourself in a position where you do know what you don’t know, you now know what you need to know and you now know how to get access to what you need to know that will make a massive difference to you and your business.

Further still, imagine you now have the skills to retain more knowledge and to more easily recall it, when you need it, in an instant.

That is a mind game changer!

Of course, having this information is only the foundation. The power of knowledge arises from your learning experiential; taking that knowledge and embedding that learning by DOING.

It might sound complicated, and that’s where the I.Q.4 Quantum LEAP comes in. It simplifies the process for you to make learning natural and funraising your profile in your business, peaking your authority in your industry and reigning over your competitors.

You will also discover how to:

  • CREATE a structured knowledge development plan
  • DEVELOP a valuable accountability partnership
  • INCREASE your learning capacity
  • FIND out your specific knowledge gap
  • BRIDGE your knowledge gap
  • ADVANCE your academic journey
  • APPLY learnings into practical application
  • LEAP ahead of the curve

During the I.Q.4 Quantum LEAP, you will discover secrets on how you can retain information more easily, more accurately and for longer. I will share with you the amazing process I learned from the world-record-holding memory specialist (his name escapes me at the moment!).

Take I.Q.4 Quantum LEAP structured process to establish what you know now, what you need to knowwhere to get that information and how to integrate it into your memory bank.

The Exponential E.X.I.T. Strategy™

If you feel there might be a need to continue working much later than you hoped… worse still until you die, because the state pensionprivate pension or previous wealth management or investments decisions will not provide what you need to live comfortably, this is a sticky situation I will help you get unstuck from.

What difference would it make for you to be confident you can exit your business when you want to and have no money worries at all?

Silly question, really… but how about going way beyond that…

The Exponential E.X.I.T. Strategy System is a structured process sharing the key components of exiting your business successfully, on your terms. We take a deep-dive into the operating procedures of your business, the roles and responsibilities you have mastered to identify, enable and implement continuity measures to extract you from the business when the time suits you from your Wealth Management F.O.R.T.U.N.E. Generator goals.

We will focus on proven methods to:

  • Target the END GAME
  • X-RAY your business
  • ISOLATE you from the ‘day-to-day
  • Identify your TRUE PURPOSE

Interested in learning more?

Download our official Mastermind™ & Beyond brochure…

Drop us a line, we’d love to have a chat with you